I need help in doing my homework guys…
Im still new to Unity and can’t solve this following question
2044903–132807–Help.docx (113 KB)
I need help in doing my homework guys…
Im still new to Unity and can’t solve this following question
2044903–132807–Help.docx (113 KB)
Let me Google that for you: unity draw circle - Google Search
But I have a feeling that some information is missing in the document you sent. How are you supposed to draw the lines? Using LineRenderer?
No…teacher said no need to draw line…
just move the ball in the background
Then I guess you should take a look at Unity - Scripting API: Transform.Translate. Unfortunately sample code hasn’t been updated for Unity 5.0 it seems. Use “GetComponent()” instead of just “transform” in the samples.
Hope you figure out