i been tring and tring to write a fishing script with no luck… i was wondering if anyone knew of someone with a nice script they wana get rid of are sell for a desent price… Me and two other friends been working on a hunting and fishing game… basicly liven off the land stuff… and we wanted to add in fishing with a rod animantion and all… but been haven problems getting it to work… and can’t find much help on fishing … can find help on many other things but this one seems one of the hardest to find…
so if anyone out there know of something… are mabie even a page i can go to for help on it … i would be very greatfull… i am new to scripting a lil and animations… but i got the drive and will power to learn…just need a lil help to point me int he right direction… like i said if someone got the script are anyother thing that will help for sell i am willing to pay… as long as it is not out the box price for it…
What kind of fishing? I mean, what do you want the end product to be like?
Cant really help you without knowing what you want to end up with 
i was going for where it looked kinda realistic… where when you cast you see the bobber and hook goes out… and when you get a fish the pole bends and such… and to be able to pull in the fish in… cause we gona need the fish for cooking and such…
i want it too look like a first person veiw. but with a fishing pole in screen … but i am willing to take what ever i can get as long as we can get it to catch fish with the pole… but if we can get it to look like first person veiw… that be sweet… i have the poles made and the fish allready… just need help with the command scripts to where it kinda acts like a real fishing as close as posible… like if you wer standing on the bank fishing… we did not added in boats yet… cause the game we are building is a survival game off the land in the swamps…hunting and gathering type game… and tool maken and such… and sence we are in the swamps we wanted to add in fishing but i been haven the most trouble finding help on that…
and if you know a place where i might can look up the help i would need that be great too… cause i spent many of days looking… but with no luck. it’s so easy to find first person shooter help and some mmorpg stuff… but nothen on fishing…
Yeah, fishing doesnt seem to be the most popular topic.
Well, you can always make some animations for the fishing pole bending and such. There probably are plenty of ways to implement what your looking for.
You could code the fishing pole to move with the mouse input, and then code a rope with a hook on the end which moves accordingly to the fishing rod, which in turn is player controlled. Make some fish gameobjects swim around in a pond and if the hook touches the fish gameobject, then the fish is attached to the hook, and the player needs to pull in the fish with the keyboard / mouse.