Need help on making a semi-circle rotation

I need help on stopping a rotation when it makes a 180 when i activate a coroutine for the first time, then whenever i activate the coroutine again, to go another 180 and not to glitch back to the original 180. I scoured this code for an hour trying different things, and i can’t find whats wrong with it and quite frankly, I’m stumped. This is what i have come up with.

   void Start()
		RotationDegree = 0;
		Rotating = false;
		Rot = false;
		Rotatingto = 0;
		RotationDegreeAdded = 180;

	void OnCollisionEnter(Collision C)
		RotationDegree = RotationDegree + RotationDegreeAdded;
		Rotatingto = RotationDegree;
		Rotating = true;
		StartCoroutine (MyMethod ());
		//Debug.Log ("Rotation Begun");

	void Update()
		if (Rotating) {
			Vector3 RotationVector= new Vector3 (0.0f, 0.0f, RotationDegree);
			Background.transform.Rotate (RotationVector * (Time.deltaTime));
			Goals.transform.Rotate (RotationVector * (Time.deltaTime));
		Debug.Log (RotationDegreeAdded);
		Debug.Log (RotationDegree);

	IEnumerator MyMethod(){
		yield return new WaitForSeconds (1);
		//Debug.Log ("Rotation Over");
		Background.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler (0.0f, 0.0f, Rotatingto);
		Goals.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler (0.0f, 0.0f, Rotatingto);
		if (RotationDegree == 180) {
			RotationDegree = 0;
			RotationDegreeAdded = 360;
		if (RotationDegree == 360) {
			RotationDegree = 0;
			RotationDegreeAdded = 180;

This is a generalized function that can handle any rotation you want over any amount of time.

IEnumerator RotateObj (GameObject spinner, float timeToRotate, Vector3 direction) {
		float t = 0;
		while (t < timeToRotate) {
			spinner.transform.Rotate(direction * (Time.fixedDeltaTime / timeToRotate));
			t += Time.fixedDeltaTime;
			yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate ();
		yield break;

“spinner” is the object you want to rotate, “timeToRotate” is how long you want the rotation to take, and “direction” is the amount of rotation in degrees for each axis.

For example:

RotateObj(myObject, 1.0f, new Vector3 (0, 180, 0));

This will rotate the object “myObject” by +180 degrees on the (local) y axis over a period of 1 second. If you call it a second time, it will rotate the object another 180 degrees from the position it ended up at.