Need help. Particles make no sense at all

I have a game object with a particle effect that uses rate over distance for emissions.

What I want to do is: when the user touches, the particles will transform to the new position (without making a trail) and start a new trail as the user drags. Each new touch starts new particles.

But that’s not what happens. What keeps happening is when the user starts the touch, the particles draw a line from the previous touch spot to the new touch spot, every time.

I’ve tried everything under the sun to get this to work properly. I’ve tried:
- turning off the emissions and then turning them on at the start of the new touch (still made a trail).
- instantiating a new game object with particles at the new touch point (still made a trail).
- adding a rigid body with kinematics (you know).

Is this possible???

Don’t think it matters, but here’s some code on how I transformed the particles to a new position:

using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;
    public class particleEffect : MonoBehaviour {
        Touch touch2;
        bool effectIson;
        void Update () {
            if (Input.touchCount > 0)
             touch2 = Input.GetTouch(0);

                //turn on effect
                effectIson = true;
            //if efect is on
            if (effectIson)
                transform.position = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(touch2.position);

If you want to move a system without spawning particles, disable its emission module before moving it. Then turn it back on, on the next frame.

var Emit = ps.emission;
Emit.enabled = false;
// move system
Yield return null;
Emit.enabled = true;

Thank you @richardkettlewell for your reply. Unfortunately I tried that. As I said “I’ve tried: - turning off the emissions and then turning them on at the start of the new touch.”

Good news is, I figured out how to make it work correctly. What I believe was happening was that, during Particalsystems.Play, the velocity of the emissions is never turned off, even when you disable emissions. So the correct answer is to .Stop the particle system when the touch ends and .Play when a new touch is detected.