Need help re-writing this script (array touch)

Jahroy was very kind enough to write this script out for me.

    /* an array of SearchObjects */
    var searchItemList     :  SearchObject []; 
    var scrollRect         :  Rect     =  Rect(200, 200, 220, 220);
    var itemRect           :  Rect     =  Rect(0, 0, 200, 600);
    var buttonRect         :  Rect     =  Rect(0, 0, 200, 100);
    var scrollPos          :  Vector2  =;
    /*  fill the array with random stuff for testing */
    function Start ()
        searchItemList = new SearchObject [6];
        searchItemList[0] = new SearchObject("Grenade");    
        searchItemList[1] = new SearchObject("Bunny Slippers");
        searchItemList[2] = new SearchObject("Flame Thrower");
        searchItemList[3] = new SearchObject("Lollypop");
        searchItemList[4] = new SearchObject("Junk Pile");
        searchItemList[5] = new SearchObject("Car");
    /*  draw a GUI to show what has NOT been found */
    function OnGUI ()
        scrollPos = GUI.BeginScrollView(scrollRect, scrollPos, itemRect);   
        var theRect : Rect = buttonRect;
        /* loop through each SearchObject in the array */
        for ( var thisItem : SearchObject in searchItemList ) {
            /* skip items that have been found */
            if ( thisItem.isFound ) {
            /* draw a button for each SearchObject in the array */
            if ( GUI.Button(theRect, ) {
                thisItem.isFound = true;
            /* advance the rectangle for the next button */
            theRect.y += theRect.height;
    /*  a definition for a simple example class named SearchObject.    */
    /*  note that a SearchObject has a transform associated with it.   */
    /*  you could assign something to that by dragging an object onto  */
    /*  the appropriate slot in the inspector                          */
    class SearchObject
        var name        :  String;
        var isFound     :  boolean;
        var transform   :  Transform;
        function SearchObject ( theName : String )
            name    =  theName;
            isFound =  false;

While this script does do mostly what
I need. I do not know how to make is
so once the items are picked up they
are hidden/removed from the list
automatically and not by clicking the
gui button. If some one can at most
point me to the right documentation on
what I need to do, not asking someone
to re-write this. Thank you all for
your time.

var dis : int = 1;

var hit : RaycastHit;

static var items : int;

static var itemsLeft : int;

var item1 : GameObject;

var item2 : GameObject;

var item3 : GameObject;

var item4 : GameObject;

var item5 : GameObject;

var item6 : GameObject;

var item7 : GameObject;

var item8 : GameObject;

var item9 : GameObject;

var item10 : GameObject;

var item11 : GameObject;

var item12 : GameObject;

var item13 : GameObject;

var hiddenItem : GameObject;

//Pulling From Game Manager Script

var gText: GUIText; // drag the GUIText here from the hierarchy

static var item1found = false;

static var item2found = false;

static var item3found = false;

static var item4found = false;

static var item5found = false;

static var item6found = false;

static var item7found = false;

static var item8found = false;

static var item9found = false;

function Update () {

	for (var touch : Touch in Input.touches) {


		if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began) {


			// Construct a ray from the current touch coordinates

			var ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay (touch.position);


			if (Physics.Raycast (ray, hit, dis))


				switch (


					case "mirrior":

						items += 1;

						itemsLeft += 1;

						iTween.FadeTo(item1,{"alpha":0, "time" : 2});


						item1found = true;


					case "hotwaterbottle":

						items += 1;

						itemsLeft += 1;

						iTween.FadeTo(item2,{"alpha":0, "time" : 2});	


						item2found = true;	


					case "goldplate":

						items += 1;

						itemsLeft += 1;

						iTween.FadeTo(item3,{"alpha":0, "time" : 2});


						item3found = true;	


					case "sunglasses":

						items += 1;

						itemsLeft += 1;

						iTween.FadeTo(item4,{"alpha":0, "time" : 2});


						item4found = true;	


					case "mug":

						items += 1;

						itemsLeft += 1;

						iTween.FadeTo(item5,{"alpha":0, "time" : 2});


						item5found = true;	


					case "winebottle":

						items += 1;

						itemsLeft += 1;

						iTween.FadeTo(item6,{"alpha":0, "time" : 2});


						item6found = true;	


					case "Ipad":

						items += 1;

						itemsLeft += 1;

						iTween.FadeTo(item7,{"alpha":0, "time" : 2});


						item7found = true;	


					case "controller":

						items += 1;

						itemsLeft += 1;

						iTween.FadeTo(item8,{"alpha":0, "time" : 2});


						item8found = true;	


					case "wii":

						items += 1;

						itemsLeft += 1;

						iTween.FadeTo(item9,{"alpha":0, "time" : 2});


						item9found = true;	










function LateUpdate()


  var txt: String = "   Items to find:


  var count : int = 0;  


	if (item1found==false && count < 6)



  txt += "Mirrior




	if (item2found==false && count < 6)



  txt += "Hotwater Bottle



	if (item3found==false && count < 6)



  txt += "Gold Plate



	if (item4found==false && count < 6)



  txt += "Pair of Oakley's



	if (item5found==false && count < 6)



  txt += "Coffee Mug



	if (item6found==false && count < 6)



  txt += "Wine Bottle



	if (item7found==false && count < 6)



  txt += "Ipad



	if (item8found==false && count < 6)



  txt += "Wii Controller



	if (item9found==false && count < 6)



  txt += "Wii System





  gText.text = txt;


I don't have much time to type right now, but you want to replace your switch statement with a for loop that iterates over an array of objects.

First get your hit.

Then iterate over each item in the array to see if any of the items match your hit.

If you get a match, you should use that code that you repeat in each section of your switch statement.

You should replace your long list of GameObject variables with an array of a custom class. You could take the example class I provided, SearchObject and replace the Transform with a GameObject.

What you call txt, would be the name field in my SearchObject.