Need Help! - Rotation Based On Key Input

How do i accomplish a rotation using rb2d based on key inputs?

End Goal: Press A, Rotates left, stays rotated left (unless W,D,and S are pressed.)

Please note i am a beginner with scripting and i am having a tough time finding a tutorial online to help this.
If you have a video or guide to follow on this principal feel free to link!

hope anyone can help and i appreciate the support!

Code Screenshot: Screenshot - 4c7b2ecd82536d5ea917172b7bfa771f - Gyazo

Use AddRelativeTorque on your rigidbody for as long as the button is held to spin it: Unity - Scripting API: Rigidbody.AddRelativeTorque

Im using rigidbody2d and torque isnt supported under the 2d rigidbody

Sorry for the oversight on my part. With a 2D rigidbody, AddTorque is only one axis anyways so it’s basically the same thing: Unity - Scripting API: Rigidbody2D.AddTorque