need help? thanks


It’s quite limiting to be able to set only one scene as prefab editing environnement doing that we can have multiple type of assets which are not meant to be display in the same type of environnements. So having a list of scene instead of a single scene filed would be great. When in prefab editing mode we could have a dropdown list to be able to select the scene that fit the best with the current edited prefab.

Does that make sense for you guys ?


This question has been covered a few times, see here for example:

The best prefab editing environment would be the environment where it is used in the game. But I can’t see how to apply this rule for all cases of editing prefabs. There are dynamically loaded prefabs, for exmple, for which editor can’t tell where are they used in the project. We have to set the environment manually for such cases, but where applicable, the editor could allow to edit prefa