I start to work with Unity for a few weeks.
So my skills are weak in Unity. Bevor I start a Game in MonoGame.
There´s a Screenshoot off the Map:
The GUI and other things are goes well, but the map are my biggest problem.
In MonoGame I create a 2-Dimensional Class Array they hold all informations for each Map field.
My ‘Camera’ are a second 2-Dimensional Array they get the field informations from the Map Array.
Is there a way to create the same Map in Unity?
PS: Sorry for the bad English, that´s not my motherlanguage
You should wait for Unity 2018.3, that will be released in few weeks, and it will support isometric tilemaps.
I work with the actual beta, but I have a lot off Problems with it.
I don´t understand how the Isometric map or the will work.
The only thing I can create a Map like this:
I didn’t try isometric tilemaps yet, but from my experience with 2d tilemaps, it seems that you need to adjust the Pixels per Unit property in your imported sprites.
Another option is setting the Cell Size in you tilemap’s child Grid, but I prefer to keep it to 1, because it’s easier to make position calculations later.
I changed the pixel per Unit und now it looks better