Need Help Transferring Unity Project from Linux x86_64 to ARM

Hi everyone,

I’m currently working on a Unity project that was originally developed for Linux x86_64 architecture. I now need to transfer this project to ARM architecture and I’m looking for some guidance on how to accomplish this.

Im trying to get a project of animation playing onto a ARM device like Raspberry but I made the project in Linux 86_64 and need to convert the project to ARM but that means I have to restart the platform from scratch. Also Im super lost how to do that and please I need help

As of February 2023 embedded Linux ARM builds are only available to Enterprise customers. The Unity 6 manual page still appeals to contact sales if you wish to access the embedded Linux runtime.

Do you have this Enterprise level access? Because if not it seems that nobody can help you with that. :wink:

Other workarounds can be:

  • Build for linux (or windows) x86 and use a translation layer to run it on ARM (QEMU, Wine…).
  • Build for Android ARM and install an Android OS on your raspberry to run your app.
  • Build for WebGL and run from a web page (that can be hosted locally). Careful, some old Pi versions may not support WebGL.

I didn’t tested any of the above personnaly, but you can find resources on the web. In the past, I wanted to run a Unity server (no needs for graphics) on a Pi 3, but I just ended using an old intel x86 laptop instead. Emulations layers have improved since.
A unity app with graphics on a Raspberry Pi might be too much load for it to run smooth… I’m curious to know about your finding on this subject.

The Embedded Linux player runs the same projects there is no need to “transfer” anything and Unity will compile for the target architecture with the right package. It just supports the ARM architecture in addition to some other refinements like multi-display management for embedded systems, support for multiple touchscreens etc.

If you’re interested, please reach out and we can discuss access to the ARM64 player.

Hi, Sorry for late reply.

Is there a way to access or workaround for my problem?

Is the issue that you don’t have access to the Unity project files anymore, only the binaries for x86_64? Then I’m afraid converting it to ARM64 will be difficult to achieve.

If you have the project (that you can open in the Unity Editor), we can help. If not, I’m afraid not.