Need help - Unity and external 3D apps - measure of units.


I’m currently in the pre-production stages of making a game demo using the unity engine. And I have a few artists on board.

I want to keep to a uniform and consistent measure of units as I have one artist working in blender and 2 others working in Maya.

I would preferably like them all to work in the metric system using a measuring of metres. But after scanning through unity I couldn’t find a way to edit it’s measure of units.

So my questions are:

  • What’s the standard conversion of default setup of units from Maya to unity and Blender to unity.
  • Can I get all 3 programs using the metric system as a consistent measure of units.

Thanks for your help. :slight_smile:

If I were you I wouldn’t go with metrics. I’d go with “Units”. I made a video series on how to get that down which you can find here:


  • There isn’t a “standard” unit of measurement in Unity, except that for the physics engine (and anything related to it) assumes that 1 Unity unit equals 1 meter.

  • The best route to working with various 3D apps I think is to have each of the artists create a 1m cube located at 0,0,0 and then import them into Unity. You can then use the import options to rescale the models during import (and/or use this as a guide to provide direction to the artists).

Hope this helps…

We use metric, 1 units = 1 meter (3DMax)
In unity we change import settings assets to 1.0

Then everybody is happy :wink: