Need Help > Why my 3D modelling became transparent

have some problems in here, i just imported the FBX file into unity and i found in my body 3D modelling its like transparent.
and when i see the Body modelling there is not have a mesh filter , what happen in here ?

Here is the body , because the object look transparent the texture became weird:

Because i don’t have mesh filter ??

Why another object like head,hair, and accessories is normal, not transparent like in my body model ?
and because the body transparent make the texture came weird

in my 3DsMax i’m using Biped and Skin

in my 3ds max file all object its normal :

in my unity project became transparent :

It’s called normals. I dont know how to fix it on 3dsmax, so check this links:,mod=2&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=fix+normals+3dsmax

Edit: What are normals? Normals are the way the faces of a model are shown.

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It’s the normal. If you create a plane inside Unity, you will notice only one side is showing. That’s the same with you model. Some faces on the character is facing inside the body. Which means it is visible when we look at it inside the body. The outside will not visible. I don’t know much about 3DS Max, but if you could just reverse the normal of the face, it would be good to go.

if i put the normal modifier in my Body Modell it will looks black like this, and when i imported again into fbx its still same transparent

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Try to (de)check “Flip Normals” in the Normal-modifier and see if that helps.

And maybe place it above the Skin-modifier?

here when i put the normal like this and i check flip, here’s the result

it’s not transparent anymore but the problems is why the color different between head and body ,

It is okay if i make a 3D model in 3Ds Max Using Biped and skin ? because when i create the model using Bones and skin it’s normal and not transparent when i imported fbx into unity.

so the better way to create is Bones and Skin ??

I find it best to test the base mesh in Unity for axis, scale and normals before moving on to rigging and skinning/animating.

Your issue might be that it is above the Meshsmooth modifier. Try putting the Normal modifier under Meshsmooth so the Normal modifier modifies the base mesh and not the split mesh.

Bung Apriyanto,

I have the same problem with you, my model is fliped in unity, but everything is normal in 3dsmax.
but it’s seem this is only happen when i imported to unity version 3.5.3.
because when i try to import to the lower version of unity ( unity 3.4 ) it works normal!.
so, i think this is the unity bugs problem for 3.5 edition.

or this is just me.

terima kasih

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Maybe try making materials double-sided in 3ds max, if that doesn’t help, in edit poly modifiers there is an option called “flip normals” (which you can apply only to selected faces). Try that.

Hi there. i’m working with my AR project in unity. I used 3Ds max to develop my 3D object. after i export to AR for Android, my 3D objects become transparent. you know how to fix it?

where is the skin modifier?