Need help with a code :P

Hey I’m Adri, and I’m studing 3d art and design for videogames, so I’m a 3d Modeler and I’ve started a game in unity, a easy one, I have some experience with c# but not so much. It’s a simple tap tower defence.
What i want to do is have a tower the cover all the map and shoot with that tower the enemies. I want that tower to shoot the first enemy, not the near one. So, the tower shoot the first enemy and whene you kill him, then shoot the second one, not the near one. I’m doing waves that spawns enemies and I junt need that.
Thanks and sorry for my bad English :p.

This forum is to ask “I tried this but it didn’t work, what did I do wrong?”

What have you tried so far? Post code using the code formatting tags please.

If you’re completely stuck, there are MANY free tutorials for making complete Tower Defense games. Just hit Google.


Including one made by Unity.


Today I learned!