need help with a concept of racing track modules

Hello :smile:,

I’m developing a modular track editor. I want so create modules for the track as in slot car racing track.
My modules will be 3d-models with special properties like name, ID, description, V3 Start Point and V3 End Point. My question now is: What’s the best way to give the 3d-models these properties?

My so far solution is to create a Prefab with a Model and a Script:
(this way was inspired by an inventory-system)

public class Modul 
    public string modulName;
    public int modulID;
    public string modulDesc;
    public Texture2D modulIcon;
    public float modulLength;
    public ModulType modulType;

    public List<Segment> Segments;  
// custom datatype Segment (contains a V3 position and Quat rotation)
// using as [0] start point and [1] end point

    public Vector3[] originCurve;
    public float length;

public enum ModulType

Sadly I don’t know any better solution so far. Important for me is especially that I have the exact end points and start points of the module so that I can put the track parts together seamlessly.

Does anyone have a different solution or am I on the right track? - Thanks

I mean, a class would be the perfect solution in my opinion, because it can contain the track, the start and end points, and you can write some handy methods for it too (maybe even one, that creates said track)

Thanks for your opinion! I will take your advice :slight_smile: