Need help with adding sounds for footsteps

I need help adding in sounds for my players footsteps. I put two walking sounds in the player controller where it has the script for element 1 and 2, however the sound is extremely low and basically inaudible unless I turn my headset all the way up. Also is there an easy way to sync it with my footsteps and make different sounds for the surface I walk on? I saw many youtube tutorials for this but most of them are out dated or just hard to follow, I would also like to make the sound sort of fade whenever going underwater. I know this is asking for a lot but I just cant figure it out and I still barley know how to program :slight_smile:

The footsteps are probably quiet because you need to configure your AudioSource. Check the rolloff curve to see how far the AudioListener can be before the sound gets very quiet; it’s likely that your listener (probably attached to the main camera) is too far away with your current settings.

Are you making a 2D or 3D project? Techniques for syncing footsteps with animations vary. You will definitely need some scripting, too.

As for the water, you can apply a lowpass filter when your listener is under water for a very nice effect. I recommend using colliders to check whether your listener is under water for smaller bodies of water, but just a y-position check for large bodies.