Need Help With AI

I’m trying to work on 2 ai scripts for unitycar 2.1 pro,1 for derby mode,and 1 for racing mode,but i seem to be having trouble how to do them,i’ve tried this([PDF] Simulador de accidentes de tráfico mediante motor de videojuegos Unity | Semantic Scholar),but i can even tell what language it is,i’ve tried extracting one,but the ai sometimes does’nt move,does’nt slow down and detect brake points or acce i just gave up,help me please:(,Version info: 2017.2.0f3,Script type: CSharp

Hi @lukeluzardo ,

Unfortunately, I’m not familiarized with UnityCar, but I think that you’ll have a better chance to have someone helping you in the official forum of such plug-in.

In that case, you can post your question here: [[DEPRECATED] UnityCar 2.2 Pro. The most complete and accurate vehicle sim on Unity3D - Community Showcases - Unity Discussions]( [DEPRECATED] UnityCar 2.2 Pro. The most complete and accurate vehicle sim on Unity3D page-33)

Good luck with it!