Hello, I am making a shader that displaces the UV coordinates on a sprite to achieve the bending effect. What I need to do is to make object bend according to the parameter _BendFactor. The shader itself kind of works allright. The problem is, that the Sprite Renderer does not use quads, it generates a kind of 2D mesh (I don’t know why this feature is even there. Performance maybe?). Anyway, the thing is that the mesh is optimized for initial texture, however, when I displace the UV coordinates, a part of the object goes outside of the generated mesh and is clipped (as in the screenshot). So, my question is, is it possible to force SpriteRenderer to use a single quad instead of a fancy generated mesh? And if not, how can I possibly work around it? (I tried adding a plane object, however the problem is that I need all the animation features and the sprite animations didn’t seem to work with the 3D setup). I also attach a shader file just in case, although I don’t think it i necessary.
2623088–184233–BendShader.shader (1.48 KB)