Need help with C# scripting

Hello! So I got the script and I’m completely lost and don’t know how to fix this error, i searched on the internet for a long time and didn’t find anything useful. Thanks!
The error is :

EquipmentContainer.cs(8,10): CS0104: StateMachineBehaviour is an ambiguous reference between UnityEngine.StateMachineBehaviour and StateMachine.StateMachineBehaviour.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using StateMachine;
using System.Linq;

public class EquipmentContainer : UIContainer {
	private StateMachineBehaviour behaviour;

	public override BaseItem Replace (int slot, BaseItem item)

		GameObject unEquip = new GameObject ("OnUnEquip");
		StateMachineBehaviour	unEquipBehaviour = unEquip.AddComponent<StateMachineBehaviour> ();
		if(items[slot] != null){
			unEquipBehaviour.SetStateMachine((items [slot] as EquipmentItem).onUnEquip);
			unEquipBehaviour.executingStateMachine.SetParameter ("UsableItem", items[slot],true);

		GameObject equip = new GameObject ("OnEquip");
		StateMachineBehaviour	equipBehaviour = equip.AddComponent<StateMachineBehaviour> ();
		if (item != null) {
			equipBehaviour.SetStateMachine((item as EquipmentItem).onEquip);
			equipBehaviour.executingStateMachine.SetParameter ("UsableItem", item,true);

		BaseItem prev = items[slot];
		items[slot] = item;
		return prev;

	public EquipmentSlot GetEquipmentSlot(EquipmentRegion region){
		foreach (EquipmentSlot slot in slots) {
			if(slot.region == region){
				return slot;
		return null;

	public int GetEquipmentSlotId(EquipmentRegion region){
		foreach (EquipmentSlot slot in slots) {
			if(slot.region == region){
				return slot.slot;
		return -1;

	public EquipmentItem GetItem(EquipmentRegion region){
		EquipmentSlot slot = GetEquipmentSlot (region);
		return slot.observedItem != null?(EquipmentItem)slot.observedItem:null;

	public override string Serialize ()
		string itemData = string.Empty;
		for (int i=0; i<items.Count; i++) {
			BaseItem item=items*;*
  •  	if(item != null){*
  •  		itemData+= i.ToString()+";"+item.Serialize()+"/";*
  •  	}*
  •  }*
  •  return itemData;*
  • }*

  • public override void Deserialize (string data)*

  • {*

  •  string[] split = data.Split ('/');*
  •  	foreach (string itemSplit in split) {*
  •  	if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemSplit)){*
  •  		string[] itemDataSplit=itemSplit.Split(';');*
  •  		if(itemDataSplit.Length>1){*
  •  			int slot=System.Convert.ToInt32(itemDataSplit[0]);*
  •  			string itemName=itemDataSplit[1];*
  •  			EquipmentItem item=(EquipmentItem)(ItemDatabase.Instance != null?ItemDatabase.Instance.GetItem(itemName.Trim()):null);*
  •  			if(item != null){*
  •  				EquipmentItem mItem=(EquipmentItem)ScriptableObject.Instantiate(item);*
  •  				mItem.Deserialize(itemDataSplit[3]);*
  •  				Replace(slot,mItem);*
  •  			}*
  •  		}*
  •  	}		*
  •  }*
  • }*

this means you have a class interfering with a built in class. specifically the StateMachineBehavior class. rename it and update any references to it and it should work.

Like the first reply told you. You create a script which name like unity class. StateMachineBehaviour is a class which controlls the states of an animator. You just need to rename your class StateMachineBehaviour and I recommend you that do it with the option of “rename” in your scripting program, this help you ti change all references you have in others scripts

No need to rename your class. Simply use the explicit name of your class (with the package name)

Example :

private StateMachine.StateMachineBehaviour behaviour;