I have a very simple script to move the camera left and right (using “A” or “D” for “left” and “right”).
I notice that the camera has a jittery problem,
anyone know what might causing the problem ?
(it looks worse in Firefox, but slightly ok with Safari)
this only happens in the Web version, it’s not happening if i build the executeable version (OS X).
Here is what i tried so far:
the scene itself is very simple, only one camera and couple houses, no other script running (except that FramePerSecond script)
1. First Try:
using this script and assign it to Camera
function SimpleInput()
if (Input.GetButton("left"))
transform.Translate(-Time.deltaTime * 5, 0, 0);
}else if (Input.GetButton("right"))
transform.Translate(Time.deltaTime * 5, 0, 0);
function Update () {
2. Second Try:
using InputAxis instead of GetButton
function AxisInput()
var moving = Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal") * 5;
moving *= Time.deltaTime;
transform.Translate (moving, 0, 0);
function Update () {
3. And last try,
this one is slightly different, instead of actually moving the camera i’m using “SmoothFollow.js” script, i make an empty object as my target, and assign it to the Camera, and moving the empty object (target) instead of the camera itself.
Looks like all of them have the same jittery problem,
anyone could help me find the solution ?
thanks a lot in advance