Need help with creating a network scean in badumna

I need help in doing 2 things
1: Add the network to the main scene/scenes and having them linked so players can see each other
2: link the player to the main world from character select

Currently I have a working log on,player create and player select but I don’t know what I need to change or add in the network script to make the scene a network scene with other players etc

Anyone can help in simple ways and gets it working I will try reward at later stage in some way (right now broke but working on sponsors and I have interest with others so money should be soon)

Your questions don’t make sense to me…
1 . add network to main scene ?
isn’t your whole game supposed to be networked ?
2. link player to main world
Unity doesn’t have a ‘world’, so you probably mean that you want to spawn your selected character into a scene.
from chapter 5.1 and read what you can do.
They actualy explain you how to do it, you just need to read it.