Need help with gamepad UI interface(example Destiny)

I’m trying to create a UI for my game that uses a gamepad.I really do enjoy Destiny’s UI which is essentially a free cursor controlled by your controller. I’ve created the UI and my “fake” “free cursor” by having a image and using the horizontal and vertical axis on my controller to move it around my UI. The issue I’m having is I’d like to still be able to use Unitys UI Events OnClick and OnHover but since the mouse isn’t moving it’s all a fake mouse using the image the posistion in the Event System/Standalone Input Module isn’t updating. I’m trying to figure out a way to get the X and Y position of my image into the event system or make my mouse essentially follow my image. Anyone have any ideas?

I’d assume you’re controlling your mouse with GetAxis? If so, how about using OnTriggerEnter to check for hovers, and then button press after that for clicks?