Need help with making a character jump.

So, I’ve started on my own character movement script and can’t seem to make my character jump without continuously flying if I continue to hold space down. I’ve looked around online for a solution and found a few jumping tutorials but they’re not making very realistic jumps, can someone help me fix this? Here’s my code so far (I’ve removed all the script I had for jumping)

var rotationSpeed: float = 10;
var walkSpeed : float = 3;
var gravity : float = 50;
private var yRot : float;

function Update () 
	var Controller : CharacterController = GetComponent(CharacterController);
	var vertical : Vector3 = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward);
	var horizontal : Vector3 = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.right);
	var height : Vector3 = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.up);	
		animation.CrossFade("Default Walk",0.2);
		Controller.Move((vertical * (walkSpeed * Input.GetAxis("Vertical"))) * Time.deltaTime);
		Controller.Move((horizontal * (walkSpeed * Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"))) * Time.deltaTime);
			animation.CrossFade("Default Idle",0.2);
	if(Input.GetAxis("Mouse X"))
		yRot += 10* Input.GetAxis("Mouse X");		
	transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0,yRot,0);
	Controller.Move(height * gravity * Time.deltaTime);

To prevent your character flying check for contact with the ground before calling the jump function…

if (controller.collisionFlags & CollisionFlags.Below) {
// do jump stuff here