Need help with making a cross using line renderer

i want make cros…
i have managed to one line but to line no…
can you help me…

var c1 : Color = Color.yellow;
var c2 : Color =;
var c3 : Color =;
var lengthOfLineRenderer : int ;

function Start() 
	var lineRenderer : LineRenderer = gameObject.AddComponent(LineRenderer);
	lineRenderer.material = new Material (Shader.Find("Particles/Additive"));
	lineRenderer.SetColors(c1, c2 );

function Update() 
	var lineRenderer : LineRenderer = GetComponent(LineRenderer);
	for(var j : int = 2; j < lengthOfLineRenderer; j++) 
		var pos1 : Vector3 = Vector3(j* 0.5, j, 0);
		lineRenderer.SetPosition(j, pos1);

code the uper only one line

this picture (i want make same this picture)
alt text

A LineRenderer just “connects the dots”. Which is to say, it draws one line along a sequence of points. If you want a cross, the easiest way is to use 2 LineRenderers. If you have the code that draws one half of it, it should be a simple matter for you to make another one, copy the code, and change the points so the second line crosses the first at some angle appropriate to your needs.

If you insist on drawing a cross with a single LineRenderer, then you have to “double back” and draw over the same line twice in order to get back to the middle. That would work, but it would be silly, and it would have unintended visual consequences depending on what shader you choose.