this script creates a skewed quad, but it only works if the quad is vertical. How can I make the UV mapping work it the quad is horizontal?.
source: unity-skew-quad/Assets/SkewQuad at master · brandonjmatthews/unity-skew-quad · GitHub
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public enum Mapping {
public class skewQuad: MonoBehaviour {
public Mapping mapping = Mapping.SKEW;
public Vector3 TopLeft;
public Vector3 TopRight;
public Vector3 BottomLeft;
public Vector3 BottomRight;
Mesh mesh;
MeshFilter mf;
void Start () {
mesh = new Mesh();
mf = GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
void Update()
public void UpdateMeshAndTexture() {
bool updated = false;
// Build the Quad
Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[4] {
mesh.vertices = vertices;
int[] triangles = new int[6] {
mesh.triangles = triangles;
Vector3[] normals = new Vector3[4] {
mesh.normals = normals;
Vector2[] uv = new Vector2[4] {
new Vector2(0,0),
new Vector2(1,0),
new Vector2(1,1),
new Vector2(0,1),
Vector2[] uv2 = new Vector2[4] {
new Vector2(1,0),
new Vector2(1,0),
new Vector2(1,0),
new Vector2(1,0),
switch(mapping) {
case Mapping.SKEW:
// I used uv (qu, qv) and uv2 (q), there is potential for this to be an issue on different devices.
float ax = vertices[2].x - vertices[0].x;
float ay = vertices[2].y - vertices[0].y;
float bx = vertices[3].x - vertices[1].x;
float by = vertices[3].y - vertices[1].y;
float cross = (ax * by) - (ay * bx);
// Only skew if it's possible (ie. clockwise tri vertices and convex shape)
if (cross != 0 && mapping == Mapping.SKEW){
float cy = vertices[0].y - vertices[1].y;
float cx = vertices[0].x - vertices[1].x;
float s = (ax * cy - ay * cx) / cross;
if (s > 0 && s < 1) {
float t = (bx * cy - by * cx) / cross;
if (t > 0 && t < 1) {
float q0 = 1 / (1-t);
float q1 = 1 / (1-s);
float q2 = 1 / t;
float q3 = 1 / s;
uv[0] = new Vector2(uv[0].x * q0, uv[0].y * q0);
uv[1] = new Vector2(uv[1].x * q1, uv[1].y * q1);
uv[2] = new Vector2(uv[2].x * q2, uv[2].y * q2);
uv[3] = new Vector2(uv[3].x * q3, uv[3].y * q3);
uv2[0] = new Vector2(q0, 0);
uv2[1] = new Vector2(q1, 0);
uv2[2] = new Vector2(q2, 0);
uv2[3] = new Vector2(q3, 0);
updated = true;
if (!updated) {
uv[0] = vertices[0];
uv[1] = vertices[1];
uv[2] = vertices[2];
uv[3] = vertices[3];
uv2 = new Vector2[4] {
new Vector2(1,0),
new Vector2(1,0),
new Vector2(1,0),
new Vector2(1,0),
throw new System.Exception("SKEW: Shape must be convex and triangle vertices must be clockwise.");
case Mapping.CLIP:
uv[0] = vertices[0];
uv[1] = vertices[1];
uv[2] = vertices[2];
uv[3] = vertices[3];
uv2 = new Vector2[4] {
new Vector2(1,0),
new Vector2(1,0),
new Vector2(1,0),
new Vector2(1,0),
case Mapping.AFFINE:
mesh.uv = uv;
mesh.uv2 = uv2;
mf.mesh = mesh;