NEED HELP with UV mapping , skewed quad - how to make it horizontal [SOLVED]

this script creates a skewed quad, but it only works if the quad is vertical. How can I make the UV mapping work it the quad is horizontal?.

source: unity-skew-quad/Assets/SkewQuad at master · brandonjmatthews/unity-skew-quad · GitHub

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public enum Mapping {

public class skewQuad: MonoBehaviour {
	public Mapping mapping = Mapping.SKEW;
	public Vector3 TopLeft;
	public Vector3 TopRight;
	public Vector3 BottomLeft;
	public Vector3 BottomRight;

	Mesh mesh;
	MeshFilter mf;

	void Start () {
		mesh = new Mesh();
		mf = GetComponent<MeshFilter>();


	void Update()


	public void UpdateMeshAndTexture() {
		bool updated = false;
		// Build the Quad
		Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[4] {

		mesh.vertices = vertices;

		int[] triangles = new int[6] {

		mesh.triangles = triangles;

		Vector3[] normals = new Vector3[4] {
		mesh.normals = normals;

		Vector2[] uv = new Vector2[4] {
			new Vector2(0,0),
			new Vector2(1,0),
			new Vector2(1,1),
			new Vector2(0,1),

		Vector2[] uv2 = new Vector2[4] {
			new Vector2(1,0),
			new Vector2(1,0),
			new Vector2(1,0),
			new Vector2(1,0),

		switch(mapping) {
			case Mapping.SKEW:
				// I used uv (qu, qv) and uv2 (q), there is potential for this to be an issue on different devices. 

				float ax = vertices[2].x - vertices[0].x;
				float ay = vertices[2].y - vertices[0].y;
				float bx = vertices[3].x - vertices[1].x;
				float by = vertices[3].y - vertices[1].y;

				float cross = (ax * by) - (ay * bx);

				// Only skew if it's possible (ie. clockwise tri vertices and convex shape)
				if (cross != 0 && mapping == Mapping.SKEW){
			float cy = vertices[0].y - vertices[1].y;
					float cx = vertices[0].x - vertices[1].x;

					float s = (ax * cy - ay * cx) / cross;
					if (s > 0 && s < 1) {
						float t = (bx * cy - by * cx) / cross;

						if (t > 0 && t < 1) {
							float q0 = 1 / (1-t);
							float q1 = 1 / (1-s);
							float q2 = 1 / t;
							float q3 = 1 / s;
							uv[0] = new Vector2(uv[0].x * q0, uv[0].y * q0);
							uv[1] = new Vector2(uv[1].x * q1, uv[1].y * q1);
							uv[2] = new Vector2(uv[2].x * q2, uv[2].y * q2);
							uv[3] = new Vector2(uv[3].x * q3, uv[3].y * q3);
							uv2[0] = new Vector2(q0, 0);
							uv2[1] = new Vector2(q1, 0);
							uv2[2] = new Vector2(q2, 0);
							uv2[3] = new Vector2(q3, 0);
							updated = true;

				if (!updated) {
					uv[0] = vertices[0];
					uv[1] = vertices[1];
					uv[2] = vertices[2];
					uv[3] = vertices[3];

					uv2 = new Vector2[4] {
				new Vector2(1,0),
				new Vector2(1,0),
				new Vector2(1,0),
				new Vector2(1,0),
				  throw new System.Exception("SKEW: Shape must be convex and triangle vertices must be clockwise.");
		case Mapping.CLIP:
			uv[0] = vertices[0];
			uv[1] = vertices[1];
			uv[2] = vertices[2];
			uv[3] = vertices[3];

			uv2 = new Vector2[4] {
				new Vector2(1,0),
				new Vector2(1,0),
				new Vector2(1,0),
				new Vector2(1,0),

		case Mapping.AFFINE:

		mesh.uv = uv;
		mesh.uv2 = uv2;
		mf.mesh = mesh;


I’m not in a position to verify my script examples (so there’ll be some untested code here), but it looks like the axis-fixing occurs on these six lines:

float ax = vertices[2].x - vertices[0].x;
float ay = vertices[2].y - vertices[0].y;
float bx = vertices[3].x - vertices[1].x;
float by = vertices[3].y - vertices[1].y;
// ...
float cy = vertices[0].y - vertices[1].y;
float cx = vertices[0].x - vertices[1].x;

With that in mind, you should be able to rectify this by defining axes rather then using x/y as-is. If you have a skewed quad, that shouldn’t be too unreliable under the defined creation criteria (“SKEW: Shape must be convex and triangle vertices must be clockwise.”), so you can use vertices [0/1/3] to define the axes.

Because the vertices are defined as…

Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[4] {

… we know that [1]-[0] is “horizontal” and [3]-[0] is “vertical” relative to this mesh. That said, we aren’t necessarily expecting the mesh to be square, so those two vectors won’t necessarily be perpendicular to each other. On that basis, one axis needs to be treated as absolute where the other is constructed based on the available information.

Vector3 xAxis = (vertices[1] - vertices[0]).normalized;
Vector3 yBase = (vertices[3] - vertices[0]);
Vector3 xyCross = Vector3.Cross(xAxis, yBase);
// Note, this can/will fail to give a viable vector if
// xAxis and yBase are parallel
Vector3 yAxis = Vector3.Cross(xyCross, xAxis).normalized);

Now, with the axes (xAxis and yAxis) established (and normalized), they can be substituted in place of “vertices.x” and “vertices.y”:

float ax = Vector3.Dot(vertices[2] - vertices[0], xAxis);
float ay = Vector3.Dot(vertices[2] - vertices[0], yAxis);
float bx = Vector3.Dot(vertices[3] - vertices[1], xAxis);
float by = Vector3.Dot(vertices[3] - vertices[1], yAxis);
// ...
float cy = Vector3.Dot(vertices[0] - vertices[1], yAxis);
float cx = Vector3.Dot(vertices[0] - vertices[1], xAxis);