Need Help With Very Large .APK for Quest 2 & 3


I created a video player app for a client which runs on a standalone Quest 2 & Quest 3.

The goal of the app is to play 8K 180 or 360 degree videos at 60 fps. It works for smaller videos, but I’m running into some issues for larger videos.

When the videos get to be over 2GB, I get an error when trying to install the .apk: [INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES]

From my understanding, this means that the .apk is too large to install. I tried to use the ‘split binaries’ option to build the videos to an .OBB file, but it’s still too large as a package to transfer.

The videos that the client wants to use can exceed 20GB and there are three videos to be included with the app, so is there a way to build and install an app that’s >60GB to the Quest 2 and 3?

I also tried transferring the videos to the Movies folder on the headset then play them locally, but the videos would stutter/lag far too much. I read that the ‘AVPro’ video player is multithreaded and would stop the stuttering, but it’s very expensive and I don’t want to make the client have to pay for it if I can help it.

The client also wants to keep the standalone factor for this, so preferably no streaming or cables. Worse case, I’ll see if they’re fine with a solution where they play the videos from somewhere like Vimeo or Youtube.

If you have any suggestions or anything to help me out, I would greatly appreciate it. I look forward to your responses, thanks!

I suggest to stream in/download content. Then you can just read it from the storage instead packing it in the apk or obb.
The Unity Video Player also sucks a lot, and I heard that AVPro is the best solution for proper high quality video

I’ll download the AVPro trial to try with local videos, hopefully that works. Thanks!

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For an update: AVPro fixed the issue! It’s able to play every video I tried like a champ

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