Need help


We are planning to by Unity for IPhone,and I have download a Unity 2.5 last week, to test it but , I have made a mistake and I install a release for I phone that ask me for an activation (that I havenít we have only 30-day trail ), now Unity gives me a message ìRequired Software extensions are missing î , need your help to continue testing Unity.

I suggest send an email to

they answer fast.

Unity and Unity-iPhone are two different applications.

If you’ve installed Unity-iPhone, even without an activation, you should still be able to run Unity. Check the icon and make sure you don’t have an iPhone on it. They can be confusingly similar.

And FYI, you might get that required software extensions error in relation to our PACE licensing system (I’ve heard of that before). IIRC, the instructions to follow in that case are quick, easy and utterly painless.