Need Help

I’m working on a project
and environment with characters and I need to write my classes and my code
so I’m new to unity and I would like to know where to learn about what I need cause I found alot of tutorials but none have what I need
so if someone can tell me what should I learn about unity to get my project done
and I don’t mind making it 2D if it’s easier and takes less time
Thank you

Welcome! You’re in for a treat.

The “Learn” link at the top of this page.

Yes they do.

There is no shortcut. Spend a few weeks or months doing those tutorials, and you will begin to gain the ability to write your own code.

If you don’t already know C#, you should consider also finding some C# tutorials, like these for example.

There is no real short cut to learning Unity.

Go to the learn section. Learn everything.