Hello all, first post here. I’ve done a few tutorials and made a few small things. One thing that really slows me down in design is I have no real fundamental understanding of how I should be thinking about units and scaling in order to get things to look and feel right. I get that the units are unitless but by default can be treated as if they are meters because of the default gravity settings. However, when I import something and it says a scale of 1 and I want it to be 10 units tall, I don’t know how to achieve that. Is there any way to see/set the absolute size of an object? Thanks!
No. What I do is add a Cube next to the object — a cube by default is 1 unit tall. So set the Y scale to 10, and now you have a 10-meter stick. Scale your object (ideally, using the import settings) so that it’s about the same size as your stick, and you’re done.
And, welcome to Unity.
And and, please use a useful subject line. Everybody in the Getting Started forum needs help, and if all the subjects are some variation of “need help,” that’s not very helpful. Something like “How to judge the actual size of an imported object?” would have been appropriate here, for example.
I like to put a stripey texture on it too, with one meter stripes. That way you can use the same ruler to measure multiple heights.
Once you get deep into level design, it can be useful to create a texture with jump heights, crouch heights, character heights and so on.