Need looping code c#

Hey guys just trying to clean up some C# code. Does anyone know a loop to clean up this code. Just good enough in c# to be dangerous.

iTween.MoveTo(text1, iTween.Hash(“x”,-3.76,“time”,5));
iTween.MoveTo(text2, iTween.Hash(“x”,-3.76,“time”,5));
iTween.MoveTo(text3, iTween.Hash(“x”,-3.76,“time”,5));
iTween.MoveTo(text4, iTween.Hash(“x”,-3.76,“time”,5));
iTween.MoveTo(text5, iTween.Hash(“x”,-3.76,“time”,5));
iTween.MoveTo(text6, iTween.Hash(“x”,-3.76,“time”,5));
iTween.MoveTo(text7, iTween.Hash(“x”,-3.76,“time”,5));
iTween.MoveTo(text8, iTween.Hash(“x”,-3.76,“time”,5));

GameObject texts = new GameObject{ text1, text2, text3, text4 …}
foreach( GameObject t in texts ) iTween.MoveTo(t, iTween.Hash(“x”,-3.76,“time”,5));

Could be in one line, but let’s not push it !