Need PostprocessBuildPlayer Script for add Movies to StreamingAssets folder*Unity Bug

need PostprocessBuildPlayer Script for add Movies to StreamingAssets folder because of a Bug in Unity.
I’m not able to add a Movie with over 415 MB size.
The Asset Importer crashes @ 100%
But i need the Video… can’t make it smaller.
So a way would be to add all my Movies with the help from PostprocessBuildPlayer Script to my StreamingAsset Folder to avoid the import bug.
But i have no idea how to do it on Android or iOS.
If some has it done or knows how plz post it here.
thank you very much.

here is my Script… but i doesn’t work on Android…
Is there something special to care about with Android ?


use warnings;
use strict;
use Cwd;
use File::Copy;
use File::Glob 'bsd_glob';
use File::Basename qw(basename dirname fileparse);

# Unity-Provided Publish Arguments

my $PublishPath =     $ARGV[0];  # The published file (stand-alone, unityweb) path
my $PublishTarget =   $ARGV[1];  # Publish output target (stand-alone, web player, etc.)
my $CompanyName =     $ARGV[3];  # Company name as it appears under Edit > Project Settings > Player
my $ProductName =     $ARGV[4];  # Product name as it appears under Edit > Project Settings > Player
my $DisplayWidth =    $ARGV[5];  # The default display width as it appears under Edit > Project Settings > Player
my $DisplayHeight =   $ARGV[6];  # The default display height as it appears under Edit > Project Settings > Player

 my $PostProcessPath ="./";

if ($PublishTarget eq "android") {

    my $dst = $PublishPath . "/Movies/";

    print("Copying Database for android");

    copy($PostProcessPath . "/StreamingAssets/",$dst) or die "Database file could not be found";
