Hello , my name is Emile
here is my story , so that you can understand me better
I’m currently working on a mobile game there the player has to move in “the air” inside a universe (so there is no ground ). for that i then created a box with 4 portals so that the player will always stay inside the box (because getting inside one corner will result the player to be on the opposite corner). Here is not the problem. My problem started when i needed clouds to be generated all over the box . For that purpose i bought one asset called "fog volume 2 " i didn’t read the documentation though (before buying) , i based my thoughts on the video trailer the asset provided . I then realized that the type of clouds i needed (the noice type ) was too “demanding” for the GPU and that a mobile device will not handle the things well .
I then decided to buy the asset “ultimate VFX” and use some of its looping particle effect as a mean to avoid using clouds but the issue now is that i cannot increase their size enough to fit the whole box and creating too many particle effect simultaneously for a whole game session will cause the game to crash after sometime … so i don’t exactly know what to do for the surrounding of the game and "the air ".
I’ll be posting some screenshots here :
""the 1st one will be the box
""the 2nd will be the bow and one particle effect enabled on a ball (you can see that the size compared to the box is too small , and calling the particle isn’t working at all)
“” the 3rd one will the the result i would like to have in the game mode (without having to make the particle effect a child of the player <> because making it as a child will not give any visual effect "of displacement " when the player will move left or right since the particle effect will be following the player…)
thank you for taking your precious time to read my post and sorry if my english is not good enough . i started learning that language 4 months ago so i’m not use to it’s syntax and grammar yet.
Ps: the cube will be bigger in size (i think)