Need some ideas

So my current car script basically allows me to touch anywhere on the screen and the vehicle accelerates. What are some of the most efficient options so that by touching a certain icon on screen will cause acceleration? I ask this because in my mind I’m thinking I can assign a collider to the HUD elements and they would register a “touch” or hit by touching where it is on the screen? I am considering a solution that will scale properly with the high res and 3GS resolution screens as well… Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.

Let me add as well that my HUD elements are physical geometry in the scene attached to the game camera.

I usually just check to see if the coordinates are within the button’s coordinates, but I know other people use colliders/raycasts.

&Smag - Not a bad idea!

So anyone have any ideas on how I would go about scripting touch response to a collider/trigger placed on a UI object?

You are going to need other buttons/HUD/menus at some point so why not go straight to the source and use the almighty UIToolkit

Prime, I did implement this system and it’s made all of this possible for me… thank you for your contribution.