Need some logic here. I've no idea where I've gone wrong...

So basically, I’ve decided to try and find my own way of unlocking levels.

This is my LevelsSelect.cs script:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class LevelSelect : MonoBehaviour {   

    public List<GameObject> levels = new List<GameObject>();
    public static int buttonLoopCount;
    public static int unlockedLevelCount = 0;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start () {

        if(PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Levels") == 0)
            // How many levels are unlocked if this is true?
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Levels", 0);
            Debug.Log("Player has not unlocked any levels. Level 1, shall, however, be available.");
            levels[0].GetComponent<Button>().interactable = true;
        else if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Levels")>=1) {

            // Hey hey hey, we've played before, alright! So, what happens now?

            for(int i = 0; i < PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Levels"); i++)
                levels[i].GetComponent<Button>().interactable = true;



    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update () {

    // Handles the button event for each button
    public void levelSelection(int i)
        // Now that we've passed an int to this function, we can call levels with an index number to go by
        // which can then determine if that level is unlocked.
        if (levels [i].GetComponent<Button> ().interactable) {
            // Because the build setings start at 0, add 2 to index (i) to begin a level 1
            i = i + 2;
            Debug.Log("Loading level ... " + i);



The level selection works as it should, its just the intractable buttons. I’ve chosen to disable/enable them depending on whether the level is unlocked. But right now, I have a problem. IF the player goes and selects level 1, kills enemy, happy days, and then goes back to main menu, and back onto level select, level 2 button will not be intractable for some reason. At the moment, it only works if this happens:

Go to level select > Level 1 > Kill enemy > Back to level select > Back to level 1 > kill enemy again > back to level select. Only when that is done, will level 2 be unlocked. So basically, you have to player level 1 twice before level 2 is unlocked. HOWEVER, if I play level 1, 3 times, level 3 unlocks with no problem. (If it did have the same problem, I would have had to play level 1, 4 times before level 3 unlocked)

This is how I increment levels unlocked…

PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Levels", PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Levels") + 1);

Just a silly question, could you not just start the counter at 1 instead of 0?

Are you making sure to actually save your PlayerPrefs between levels? As per default, Unity saves the PlayerPrefs on exit and not during each write.