In previous versions, there was a way to specify a default version, so if you wanted to create project with a specific version of Unity you could mark that version as default and then go ahead and create the project. It was a sub-optimal solution, but it did solve a problem. In the newest version you can select with which version you want you project to be open, but there’s no possible way (or at least one which is obvious enough) to select with which version want the project to be created, so it forces you to create the project with the newest version, but that’s not always what you want, so if you want your project created with an older version you have to close Unity, downgrade the project and wait for the project to be rebuilt, which is useless waste of time.
Just use the drop-down arrow on the “New” button. It is pretty much obvious way and industry standard.
Thank you, but I don’t think that’s obvious enough. From my point of view the best place to select the version is inside the window where you provide the required data to create the project, as the Unity version is actually part of the project’s info, it naturally belongs there. That little arrow is out of place, it relays on a little visual clue that can easily be missed, as I did, no once but several times. It does not naturally belong there, IMHO it is a design flaw.
IDK what kind of operation system you used before, but this kind of button is standard since the early 1990-ies. On all well-known platforms. For all kinds of reasons.
I still think this is design flaw, simply because like I said, it doesn’t naturally belong there, also when creating the project you are not informed what version is going to be used. For some other cases the little arrow would make sense, but in this particular case does not. What if you change your mind in the last moment?.. there’s no possible way to inform the software about that, you must go back. This design assumes you are on a uninterrupted train of thought, which may be true most of the times, but not always.
I think it actually belongs there. It’s industry standard. Default action (create with latest version) on the button, subsequent actions on the drop-down (other versions). You find this behavior everywhere, from Office to Photoshop.
It’s clearly stated in the title bar of the pop-up window.
Cancel, push the button again. There can be fundamental differences between versions in the creation process. I can accept why they didn’t put the version control in the new pop-up. I think you should too, because you have all the tools to get the job done easily.
You’re talking about creation of a project. It’s a rare event (once a week? If you are adventurous and you create temp projects all the time, otherwise once a year).
The button was not obvious enough for me when I opened hub. I believe the button is a design flaw.
But honestly it doesn’t matter. Since you’re not going to use it often.
Hi @georgeq ,
Thank you for posting. You aren’t the first person stating the dropdown isn’t clear at first. I agree it can be confusing. That said we wanted the user to choose a Unity version before opening the window because the project creation options will vary depending on the version of Unity. Therefore it’s a clearer flow to start with the version. I hope this clarifies our motives.
Thank you for the clarification, and please don’t get me wrong, I do understand your decision, however I still think it won’t hurt if you guys allow a way to choose the Unity version inside the project creation window. I don’t know the code internals, so I really don’t have any idea of how hard it would be to implement “a simple” dropdown list on that window… however, based on my own experience, I know that, if your UI design is based on "inyectable elements’ it is relatively easy to fit several sets of options in a single window that builds itself on the fly, and which can also mutate itself on the fly, depending on the user’s input…
I think we all agree this is not a life of death issue, just something nice to have… just want to leave the idea on the table, maybe sometime in the future someone in your team would like to wear the Batman suit.
I like the way you put it. There’s certainly a way to allow this change within the window. We’ll have to find a way to integrate this. Thanks again for the feedback!
Thank you… most people think my ideas are weird, but if I can contribute to make Unity a better product, then I’m glad.