Need to hit button twice to react

I am trying to keep going with the roll a ball tutorial and add more levels. I am setting up a scene where you can change the color of the ball. But for some reason, it won’t react unless I hit the button twice, I need to react after once. Here is my script. I am kind of used to the language by now, but we are all human and we can make mistakes.

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using System.IO;
public class ColorBallChange : MonoBehaviour {

public int Colornum;  
public Material matofobject;  
public Color red;  
public Color blue;   
public Color green;  
public Color pink;  
public static ColorBallChange hi;  
public void changeColor (int ColorNumP){  
	if (Colornum == 1) {  
		matofobject.color = red;  
	} else if (Colornum == 2) {  
		matofobject.color = blue;  
	} else if (Colornum == 3) {  
		matofobject.color = green;  
	} else if (Colornum == 4) {  
		matofobject.color = pink;  
	Colornum = ColorNumP;  
void Awake(){
	if (hi == null) {
		DontDestroyOnLoad (gameObject);
		hi = this;
	} else if (hi != null) {
		Destroy (gameObject);
	if (File.Exists (Application.persistentDataPath + "/ball.cid")) {
		BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter ();
		FileStream file = File.Open (Application.persistentDataPath + "/ball.cid", FileMode.Open);
		BallColor col = (BallColor)bf.Deserialize (file);
		file.Close ();
		Colornum= col.Colornum;
		Debug.Log ("Loaded");
void Start(){
	if (Colornum == 1) {
		matofobject.color = red;
	} else if (Colornum == 2) {
		matofobject.color = blue;
	} else if (Colornum == 3) {
		matofobject.color = green;
	} else if (Colornum == 4) {
		matofobject.color = pink;
public void Save(){
	BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();
	FileStream file = File.Create (Application.persistentDataPath + "/ball.cid");
	BallColor col = new BallColor ();
	col.Colornum = Colornum;
	bf.Serialize (file, col);
	file.Close ();
	Debug.Log ("Saved!");
public void Load(){
	if (File.Exists (Application.persistentDataPath + "/ball.cid")) {
		BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter ();
		FileStream file = File.Open (Application.persistentDataPath + "/ball.cid", FileMode.Open);
		BallColor col = (BallColor)bf.Deserialize (file);
		file.Close ();
		Colornum= col.Colornum;
		Debug.Log ("Loaded");

class BallColor{
public int Colornum;

Ok, looks like you are passing the variable as ColorNumP then at the end of the routine, you are setting ColorNum = ColornumP

Your if statements are checking ColorNum, so first time you click, ColorNum hasn’t changed, so nothing happens with your color, but ColorNum gets updated. Next time you click, the if statements see the previous click change to ColorNum and changes your color.

To fix this, just update your if statements to check ColorNumP and you should be good to go.

Hope this helps,