need tool suggestion

I own fragMotion for the PC, but I am only half way where I need to be. I have a collection of over 1500 animation sets, each set is approximatly 2500 frames in length and stored in BVH format.

I open the BVH in TrueSpace and export as DirectX (only option I got)

Then I can bring this into FragMotion to verify it works. (technically I can just open the BVH in fragMotion itself)

Problem now, how do I get this animation set into a Unity format?

Have you tried importing the animations into Blender as .BVH, applying the animation to your model there and then save the model as .blend and import it into Unity.

You should try Ultimate Unwrap for all your conversion stuff. It imports/exports every format Error

well, MAX is still out of the list…i have so many max models that using something else is rarely an option sometimes.

I am happy wiht c4d (when at work) and blender (at home, is free), and also Poser Pro uses bvh files, so if you have to tweak a model you can import it in poser as obj, apply the bvh and then export it again to use it in Unity