So we know of DimeRocker, CMUNE, and PlayerIO.
PlayerIO are currently windows only and we’re developing on OSX.
DimeRocker’s arcade does not suit our needs and their studio package is out of our budget range.
CMUNE haven’t responded to any of our emails.
We need to fully integrate with Facebook’s API, we need scalable hosting, and synchronous multiplayer support would be nice but is not absolutely necessary.
Are there services we’ve missed?
Has anyone used CMUNE’s platform and can it be used with Unity on OSX?
Does anyone have any experience working with RightScale and Unity3d, or is it possible?
Basically we just want to get our game on facebook, interact with facebook, and not have the server go down if we see a large influx of traffic.
If there is no service out there that can do this for us, how would we do it ourselves? Would Electroserver and Ethan’s facebook integration example or SocialPlay’s FaceBook .Net Integration package do it for us?
Any info at all you can offer is hugely appreciated, thanks for reading :]