I am an asset seller here on Unity Store. I create foliage, trees, bushes, flowers etc etc… I need a shader that can go beyond the simple URP/HDRP shader, that gives Translucency and wind controls for leaves and trunks. The basic Unity ones are just too limiting to be anything but basic.
The problem is, any shader I buy or get for free, do not allow their shader to be exposed, copied and reused outside of a game making environment, even though the very few dishonest types, will do it anyways.
The one saving grace, is that shaders are indigenous to the Platform they are created for.
Maybe there is a budding scriptor that understands the workings of such things, that wants to create such a shader that can be used in Foliage Materials by resellers? I am sure the market is big enough to support such an enterprise. Honest people will buy it because it will be so useful to them.
My wish list for such a shader:
Diffuse (with colour picker).
Translucency (with colour picker).
Double Sided or Front (so it can be used on bark or leaves) no need for back, pointless.
Height (only for solid surfaces, not masked as its lame).
Alpha Clipping Slider.
Wind Influence (optional) that uses the Vertex colour range.
The only real additions to the standard URP shaders, is the Translucency and the optional Wind Influence. That would cover the basics for me… no doubt others have their wishlist. Translucency is badly overlooked with the Unity Shaders, unless I create a shader myself, which I cannot.
The most vital thing is, the shader must have its EULA transferable to my Studio upon purchase, where any restrictions will be covered in the Unity Store Asset EULA compliance to my customers. All existing shaders I have come across, do not allow for use in Resellers Products. A Massive hole in the marketplace.