it would be great if we could nest properties in USS. LESS allows this and makes code much more readable:

Their documentation explains how it works: less-docs/content/features/parent-selectors.md at master · less/less-docs · GitHub
Alternatively I’d be happy about some kind of USS preprocessor to do these kind of things. 
I prefer SASS (CSS variant) but the way the nesting works is the same as with LESS.
You could probably use these preprocessors.
However, nesting can quickly become confusing if you overdo it.
I have already seen projects where 6-7 and more levels have been nested
I have to second this, it’d be so useful for readability and maintainability!
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We have seen teams using SASS to generate uss. Maybe you can try to setup an AssetImporter to invoke your favorite preprocessor to generate your uss files.
Interesting! I’d much rather not having to use another external tool, but that’s a cool idea. I’m going to look into this. Cheers!
So did you manage to start using preprocessor?
Native support would be nice. Has anybody come across a tutorial, Open Source project, etc. on getting either SASS or LESS setup for USS?
Would be nice to not have to reinvent the wheel here.
An AssetImporter, or some other automation, would be needed as well. Seems like an opportunity to contribute something important to the Unity community.
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Another up vote here, been using SASS for years and it’s a great experience
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I didn’t, unfortunately. It’s something I’d still love to try, but native support would be pretty great.