So reading on the new net core features, the span type sounds a lot like the data management used in ECS. Is this gonna be able to be used in conjunction wit ECS?
Currently, burst does not support Span but we might be able to provide a partial support for it in a future release (can’t tell when this will happen exactly)
A few notes:
Span can work with managed arrays while we cannot support this with burst.
Span is a stack only type while native containers in Unity can be passed to jobs so it is serving a different purpose. Mostly to abstract working on a slice of array of data whether it is coming from the stack, managed or unmanaged memory.
But a nice feature of Span is to safely wrap a stackalloc without unsafe code. That would be probably one interesting part of Span for burst jobs. Another would be to be able to interact with a 3rd party .NET library accepting Span in its API.
@xoofx Alex, any progress on CoreCLR port since the spinning cube?