Just want to share few information, as I spent lot of time to have this running ok, maybe it can help
- unity 2022.2.0f1
- Multiplay 1.0.0-pre.6
- netcode 1.2.0
1) running both client & server on my local PC from editor or batch mode with as @ was ok
Netcode client ,running on editor or batch mode
For local tests
IPAdress = “”;
IPList = “”;
defaultPort = 9000;
netManager.GetComponent().SetConnectionData(IPAdress, (ushort)defaultPort, IPList);
Netcode Server, build dedicated server windows started with a batch
IPAdress = “”;
IPList = “”;
defaultPort = 9000;
netManager.GetComponent().SetConnectionData(IPAdress, (ushort)defaultPort, IPList);
2) running the client on Android tab using WIFI , server still on local pc, Client use the @ of the server
was not working
Netcode client, build on Android (Galaxy Tab A10)
For local tests
IPAdress = “”;
IPList = “”;
defaultPort = 9000;
netManager.GetComponent().SetConnectionData(IPAdress, (ushort)defaultPort, IPList);
Netcode Server, build standalone windows
IPAdress = “”;
IPList = “”;
defaultPort = 9000;
netManager.GetComponent().SetConnectionData(IPAdress, (ushort)defaultPort, IPList);
check connectivity between Android & PC using Android tcp/udp widget and wireshark on PC
was ok ==> so problem was the Unity android APP not able to send packets or ?
I finally found that the parameter ==> Project settings/Player / Internet access must be set to require and not auto
3) running the client on Android, Uploaded a server build on multiplayer cloud
Netcode client, build on Android (Galaxy Tab A10)
For Internet tests
IPAdress = “xxxxxxx”; <= the one given by Unity dashboard on test allocation
IPList = “xxxxxx”; <= the one given by Unity dashboard on test allocation
defaultPort = 9000;
netManager.GetComponent().SetConnectionData(IPAdress, (ushort)defaultPort, IPList);
Netcode Server, build dedicated server Linux
IPAdress = “”; <== Here I force inside the server code, I don’t use the @given by $$ip$$
IPList = “”;
defaultPort = 9000;
And it work !
Hope it will help