Netcode - Clients to share control on the same gameObject

Hi all, I’m quite new to using Netcode and I tried to develop the core idea for later creating an app with.
The main idea is to have a server (or host) and multiple clients connected, and all of them be able to interact with the same object. For now, I’ve just started with rotating a simple cube and already found several problems.

  • Only the Host (I’m just testing my code with two clients, the host and a client) can rotate and “apply” the changes that the clients can see. I’ve read about Server Authority and tried also to call methods with RPC to be executed on the server side, but it seems it’s not enough to work.

Am I missing something key?
I’m dropping a screenshot to show what I’m working on, even though it’s pretty simple for now.
Any help is appreciated!

Just to clarify, “intObj” is the gameobject that I want to rotate with the clients, and objRot is the private variable that is being changed to later tell the manager (owned by the server) to apply those values on the rotation.

Same problem, did you find the solution?