Netcode doesn't work without Internet connection

I have wi-fi router which connected to computer (by LAN cable) and VR helmet (by wi-fi).
So when I’m trying to connect VR helmet as client to PC host using local ip adress ( with router internet connection, everything works fine. Helmtet connects to PC, game works.
But, when I’m trying to connect without internet connection, it fails - vr headset, can’t find local server.

I’m using:
Netcode for Gameobjects v1.4.0
UnityTransport (Protocol type: Unity Transport)

I would say this is most likely an issue with your router setup. Check if you can generally ping the IP from your computer. If that isn‘t working it‘s your router, possibly wlan isolation or the wlan not sharing the same subnet as the lan.

I checked the ping. It seems that this is not the cause of the problem. The computer sends and receives packets from vr helmet on the local network.