Netcode for entities Ghostfield not replicating

Hi, i im trying to use ghostfields in my game to track (persistantly) chages in vehicle body parts, but whenever i make a change it doesn’t replicate on the server.

Nevertheless i noticed a change in the entity hierarchy, on the pink version of the entity which caries the component containing the ghostfield but nothing seems to change on the same component on the server

Finally, what is the difference between the pink and the blue ghosts version of the same entity because i have a hard time finding an answer in the documentation

Hey! GhostFields replicate only from server to client. I.e. It’s one way.

  • You can make client predicted, server authoritative modifications to ghosts using Input commands.
  • You can make non-predicted client authority changes to ghosts via RPCs.

The blue one is the prefab entity. I agree that this isn’t super clear.

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Thank you very much.