We are developing a relatively big project, and I am wondering, is it possible to use both Netcode for gameobjects and entities together, because we may need both for compatibility reasons.
I thought of modifying the current packages are remove the duplicates(if that is the case), but unity.transport gives the first 3 errors for some reason on an ecs project(even without installing netcode for entities obviously)
ecs packages version 1.0, unity 2022.0b10
What you are trying to do is unsupported. It may or may not work, it may or may not break in the future, it may or may not have unexpected side effects all throughout the project‘s development. In short: you are very likely to enter development hell with no help for any issues you may encounter. Don‘t go to Ravenholme!
the game is hybrid ecs, so will netcode for entities work for both entities and monobehaviours? because I can’t find a clue they will. I have experience only with netcode go.
Well, just because you use both MonoBehaviours and Entities doesn’t mean you have to use both versions of Netcode together.
Either implement all of the Netcode with MonoBehaviour or with Entities. Which one you use depends largely on what each system is used for. The easier route will certainly be to go with NGO and pull/push any information that you need in ECS through it.
I am using dots physics on the server, and it play well with ecs. the only thing gameobjects we are using are some external assets. I know we can use NGO to make custom messaging system that work with ecs, but I don’t want to reinvent the wheel. I am reading the docs of netcode ecs to decide.
Come to think of it, you could also go all barebones and only use Unity Transport. The docs have examples for setting up server and client connection and that. That’s got to work with both worlds but it will also require more networking gruntwork.
It might even be possible to use Netcode for Entities and on the Mono side use only direct Transport messaging. Or vice versa, NGO plus Transport-only ECS.