Netcode for Gameobjects Network Animator Transition

I have a simple animator (and the NetworkAnimator script), player idle animation base, with a single animation clip transitioning back and forth based on a bool, in local play it works great, with Netcode for GOs, its a bit weird.

Animation works great on owner (client side), but other clients get an error

[Netcode] [DestinationState To Transition Info] Layer (0) does not exist!

This happens with ANY transition, whether its bool, or trigger, or float, but it does NOT happen with blend trees set as default state that are using a float



I get the same error. I discovered that leaving Log Level at “Normal” solves the issue. Although I am not sure why this happens or if this will cause any problems in the future

Same issue 2022.3.8f, can anyone solve this issue?

I also get this error whenever log level is set to developer. If you look at the code which is generating this error, it is in a UNITY_EDITOR preprocessor block. So it only occurs in the editor. It doesn’t seem to have any negative effect - I have been getting this error for months and I never have any issues with network animation.

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I also have the same error, but only when using the log level ‘developer.’ It’s pretty annoying. Has anyone found a solution?

Still an issue

When I change the log mode to Normal, it gets better, but Developer doesn’t work either.