Network Animator Set Trigger issues

Hi Guys,

I have a weird issue in my networked game. I’m using NetworkAnimator.SetTrigger to sync animations across the network and it’s working with one weird glitch.

If I trigger the animation on the host player, it plays twice even though it gets synced over the network to the other players only once(correctly). No matter what animation trigger I try on the host, it will play the animation twice but sync once. I even checked the animator controller and saw the trigger get highlighted twice.

This does not happen if I trigger an animation on the client player(not host).The animation correctly plays once and syncs once. I’ve unchecked the animation list checkboxes in the network animator and ensured the animation only gets called on the local player.

It’s all working except for the animation always playing twice when triggered just on the host. Any ideas?

Bugged since 2015. Not fixed so far. Use bool or cmd-rpc. There is no otherway around.

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