Network bullet issue

i have all working, i instantiate the bullet, and then if i hit an player, he loose life etc, but, when i shoot to the ground i dead, i think that my bullet is colliding with me, there is a way to make my bullet dont affect me? i tried to use ismine, but the bullet belong to everyone, so it dont work, there is a way to make my bullet dont hit my collider ? i cant find a way to my bullet search for who shooted the bullet, i dont want scripts, i want a explanation, please :smiley:

Maybe this?

The way I handle this is by giving each player an ID. Then, each projectile gets an “ownerID” that corresponds to the shooter and is set when instantiated.

You can check an ownerID against the ID of the player hit to determine if the hit should be processed.

Furthermore, you can set an “arming timer” that removes the ownerID after a certain distance, similar to how bombs are armed a set time after being dropped by planes. This will allow the bullet to potentially bounce around and hit the shooter, if you prefer.