I stumbled across the Network class (Unity - Scripting API: Network)
This contains some really nice functions like InitializeServer and Connect(string GUID) and they work well, so far so good.
I can create my server, I can connect to it with a client. And then from here all I want to do is Send a network packet with the information I want from server to clients or client to server, which seems like it would be a basic thing to do.
I see the documentation for Network.AllocateViewID() has some promising looking sample code (Unity - Scripting API: Network.AllocateViewID) but then I find that NetworkView is out of date. (https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-NetworkView.html)
From there it seems like I should be using https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Networking.NetworkIdentity.html - Which then looks likes it’s all for syncing objects between client and servers and all I want is to be able to do something like:
and perhaps
Network.onMessageReceived += onNetworkMessageReceived
which might take a MessageBase derived object…
For anyone interested here is my use case:
- I have an MMO game where users can own and race horses against each other.
- My server (smartfox) will organize these players into a room with similarly experienced other horses.
- When the room is ready to start the race. I would like the players to attempt to create a P2P connection to the player that smartfox has designated as the “host” for this race.
- If the host leaves, it fails over to just sending the messages back via Smartfox to whoever is designated as the new host (Will abandon doing any P2P stuff here).