I exported my Unity netcode game to create a standalone server at some point. Therefore I tried to start my program from the command line.
When I execute the program from the explorer and navigate in my system to execute my Server() function with a button, everything is working alright and I can connect from a client to this server.
But when I execute the program from a command line with a line argument telling the system to immediately start the server without having me manually navigate through my menus, I can’t connect. I get errors on the client like:
[Netcode] Deferred messages were received for a trigger of type OnSpawn with key 9, but that trigger was not received within within 1 second(s).
[Netcode] NetworkObject (2) children not resolved to parents by the end of frame
On the server, I get the following error:
[Netcode] Deferred messages were received for a trigger of type OnSpawn with key 0, but that trigger was not received within within 1 second(s).
I get no errors, when I test this with instances that were opened from the explorer or when I host the server with the editor. I get similar errors if I deactivate the scene management in the NetworkManager. Launching a client from the command line and connecting it with a manually opened server works on the other hand.
To start the server I use these line arguments:
"C:\Users\user\Desktop\Versions\301\game.exe" -launch-as-server
"C:\Users\user\Desktop\Versions\301\game.exe" -launch-as-client
I use this code to start the server withing Unity:
private void Start() {
string[] arguments = System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();
string[] args = System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();
for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
if(args[i] == "-launch-as-client" && i != args.Length-1)
else if (args[i] == "-launch-as-server")
public void Host() //controlled by button
//start game
GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<Manager>().activeMode = 1;
SceneManager.LoadScene("ActiveGame", LoadSceneMode.Additive);
public void Join(string ip = "") //controlled by button
//server adress
if (inputFieldIP.text.Length > 0)
} else if (ip.Length > 0){
//start game
GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<Manager>().activeMode = 2;
SceneManager.LoadScene("ActiveGame", LoadSceneMode.Additive);
public void Server() //controlled by button
DirectoryInfo directory = new DirectoryInfo(Application.persistentDataPath + "/saves");
string path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/saves/" + directory.EnumerateDirectories().OrderBy(d => d.GetFiles("WorldData.json")[0].LastWriteTimeUtc).Select(d => d.Name).Reverse().ToList()[0];
if (Directory.Exists(path))
GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<Manager>().worldPath = path;
//start game
GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<Manager>().activeMode = 3;
SceneManager.LoadScene("ActiveGame", LoadSceneMode.Additive);
Can someone please help me?! I have no idea what to do now and I read every thread regarding a similar issue that I could find.