Network.Instantiate: Asset couldn't be found...

Sorry, my english is not very good. But I think, you understand me.
I want to spawn a player.
I have a client project and a server project.


function Start(){
   Network.Connect("", 25000, "pass");


function Start(){
   Network.incomingPassword = "pass";
   Network.InitializeServer(4, 25000);

var player1 : Transform;
function OnPlayerConnected(player: NetworkPlayer){
   Network.Instantiate(player1, new Vector3(1, 0, 1), Quaternion(0,0,0,0), 0);

player1 is a prefab (yes, with a networkView component). This prefab is in both projects, same name and in the same folder.
Client errors:

  • Network.Instantiate on the receiving client failed because the asset couldn’t be found in the project
  • View ID AllocatedID: 1 not found during lookup. Strange behaviour may occur
  • Received state update for view id’ AllocatedID: 1’ but the NetworkView doesn’t exist

No errors on server. The player spawns and I can move it.

Can somebody help me please?
Why can’t unity3d find the prefab?


I know this thread is old as dirt, but I found a solution here.

The prefab must be in both projects, and it must be the same exact prefab. IE: If you created the prefab on the server, then it must be transferred to the client machine first. What I do is I make a unitypackage of the prefab and Dropbox it to the other machine. It works like a charm.

try export package
export that object and import it to different project

That did it, thank you very many!